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Travel Vaccinations Reminder

Travel vaccinations should be requested 6-8 weeks prior to departure. Short notice travel requirements may be referred to the Exeter travel clinic.

Please click here for more information on the NHS App

Did you know Prescriptions can be ordered via the NHS App?

Please note, you can order repeat prescriptions via the NHS App however we require at least 3 working days to process prescription requests - for more information click below.

Please click here for more information on the NHS App

Patient Group

The Patient Group has an important role to play in helping give you a say in the way services are delivered to best meet your needs and the needs of our local communities in Tiverton and Bampton.

We aim to talk honestly and accurately with individual patients and the wider community about important health matters that affect them. We also want to support Amicus Health to reduce their costs and improve services by highlighting possible changes that they may not have considered, allowing resources to be used more effectively.

You may want to join the Patient Group at one of our quarterly meetings which provide an opportunity to discuss developments at both surgeries and to hear any concerns being voiced by patients via representatives of the Patient Group.

Alternatively, become a member of our ‘virtual network’ who we contact by email, from time to time, for views on your experience as a patient, on the services you receive and any changes you might suggest.

If you are interested please complete the online form below or speak to a receptionist in your surgery.

Whilst the Patient Group can take forward a patient’s concerns about a service provided at either surgery, it cannot deal with a complaint. Click here for information about how to make a complaint.

Join the Patient Group

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